Enterprise Content Management (ECM): The Document Lifecycle
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) can be defined as the strategies, methods, and tools used to capture, manage, process, and deliver content and documents throughout an enterprise setting.
Because of the complexity surrounding enterprises and the vast amount of unstructured internal information going around within companies, content management in enterprise can be particularly challenging.
The Real Cost of Enterprise Printing – Free Is Not Really Free
In this software-defined age, organizations deploy software to boost efficiency, save time and reduce costs. And like most organizations, you have limited IT staff, a modest budget and overflowing to-do lists; hence, the reason why desktop virtualization and centralized application delivery are so popular.
These built-in UPD printing solutions are free up front and may reduce acquisition costs, but can they reduce the cost of printing over the long term?
Enterprise Printing Solutions – Why It Still Matters in 2022
Who among us hasn’t imagined the future of digital transformation and what new technologies may offer in 5, 10 or even 20 years?
At UniPrint, a large portion of our responsibilities is to continuously develop our enterprise printing solutions and determine where technology is heading and how it will affect the function of printing in all industries.
Why Universal Printer Drivers Are Not Created Equal
What is the best universal printer driver (UPD) for your environment to ensure driver incompatibility and bandwidth issues are not interfering with the daily workflow of your employees?
Many printer manufacturers and third-party software providers offer UPDs to help streamline printer management throughout enterprises. One might think that any of these UPD offerings will solve your incompatibility issues – after all, they’re “universal” aren’t they?
System Administrators – Do Printing Workarounds Really Work?
Many of us IT pros are creative at coming up with methods to solve day to day technical challenges including printing issues in our organizations. Why not? After all, it is part of our job and value added to the company.
Case in point – many admins have told me they use workarounds to solve their Citrix printer issues, which lead me to wonder if those workarounds actually made their lives easier and provided enhanced user experience in the long term.